Graham Land 2023 Lake Bled, Slovenia – Blejsko Jezero, Slovenija (91g, U/M)


Single 2023 Graham Land stamp depicting Lake Bled (Blejsko jezero) in Slovenia, including Bled Island and The Church of Mother of God.

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For a long time, we have produced our own Cinderella labels which we affix to the back of mail that we send out to customers, and cancel with a “Graham Land” postmark.

Previous Graham Land issues since 2019 have featured islands off the coast of the UK, including Lundy and the Slate Islands.

As usual, many of these labels will end up used on customer orders, but customers who wish to purchase unmounted mint stamps can do so for just 40p each – a low price designed to cover the design and printing costs.

About the issue

For 2023’s single stamp, issued on 8 July, we are still depicting an island, but this time showcasing the other main category in our store – namely the new republics of eastern Europe that became independent in the 1990s.

One of those countries is Slovenia (Slovenija), of which Lake Bled – featured on this stamp – is one of the nation’s most iconic landmarks. The lake includes Slovenia’s only island – Bled Island, or Blejski otok – which is home to The Church of Mother of God. More information about Bled is available on the official tourist website at

The denomination chosen – 91g – is a reference to 1991, the year in which Slovenia declared its independence. The stamp is inscribed with the name of Lake Bled in the Slovene language (Blejsko jezero), and also includes the Slovene translation of “Graham Land”, which is “Grahamovo deželo”.

150 copies of this stamp have been printed to date, around half of which will end up cancelled on the back of customer orders.

If you would like to purchase a full sheet of stamps (three rows of five), please add 15 stamps to your basket.


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