Calf of Man 1963 Birds Definitives (6v, 1m to 12m, U/M)


Attractive 1963 perforate definitive set from Calf of Man, featuring six stamps depicting local birds.

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Attractive 1963 perforate definitive set from Calf of Man, featuring six stamps depicting local birds.

Note that this issue features frames in mostly pastel shades, around a grey central image. It should not be confused with Calf of Man’s 1966 birds definitives, which featured the same designs but with bolder frames, in new colours, and a brown picture in the middle.

U/M / Unmounted Mint / MNH / Mint Never Hinged.

About Calf of Man

Denominated in "Murreys" (after John Murrey, who issued the first Isle of Man coins in 1668), Calf of Man local stamps were issued between 1962 and 1973, theoretically for use on mail being carried from the island to the Isle of Man mainland. More than 300 different stamps were produced over that period.

In reality, they are thought to have been produced more with an eye on the stamp collecting market, and when the Isle of Man took over its own postal service from the British Post Office in 1973, Calf of Man's own issues came to an end.

However, whatever the reasons for their existence, Calf of Man stamps remain an interesting piece of Cinderella philatelic history. For a listing of all the issues, we recommend the "Calf of Man Stamps" booklet, by Jacques Naayer, which is available to order from Isle of Man Sales Ltd.


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