First day cover featuring 50p Transcamster Bog fantasy stamp, issued on 10 February 2024 to celebrate the Lunar New Year, which this year was the Year of the Dragon.
The stamp depicts the Chinese dragon from the Laird’s coat of arms, using one of his own drawings.
About Transcamster Bog
The entertaining and attractive labels bearing the name "Transcamster Bog", first produced in 2016, are the work of the Bog’s “Laird”, Canada-based science-fiction writer Derwin Mak.
The actual Bog, however, is situated in Scotland. As Mak explains on his eBay listings, “Transcamster Bog is a small, landlocked property of two non-continguous plots of peat bog in Caithness, Scotland. The name "Transcamster" comes from the necessity of having to cross Camster to go from one plot to the other. There’s a tradition of British island owners issuing local stamps for their islands, so why not be the first to issue stamps for landlocked property?”
All Transcamster Bog stamps are imperforate and ungummed, though the quality of print is good.
The Transcamster Bog website at includes details of the latest and previous issues.
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